Are we really humans?

Are we humans? Yes?
Well, what makes us human then?
What makes us so unique? are we different from other creatures on earth?
I think we're not. agree? No?
Well, let me explain...

There are about 8.7 million species in the world, and we're one of them.
Every species have their own lifestyle. Most of them eat, Breathe, fight, work, make babies or produce their clones and die when the time comes, We humans also do the same thing as them.
So, what makes us so unique then?

You might be wondering that we can feel, cry, and laugh. But is that enough to prove that we're human and we're special species on earth. Maybe you'll say we do research and that's why we're advanced and we're called humans. But I think I know some species who do research as well, they try new things and learn from it. Many species have shown this sign of learning new things from their day to day life.

According to me, only few things are there what makes us stand out of that queue. And they are our kindness, morals, and principles. If a person do not have any of them then he won't be considered as a part of the human race.


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2 Responses to Are we really humans?

  1. Only one thing that prove us we r human "Forgive", Forgive is the unique feature to prove that we r human


    Are you sure?
    p.s. I cried


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