It's been a long time since I've written any post on my blog and that was because of a very tight schedule. Anyways, I am back! :P
I'll try to write at least once a week, because it makes me think about what have I done so far. Actually, writing is something... giving yourself few hours of your life, and realizing if you're really happy with what you're doing.
Well, today I was in an argument of being vegetarian or keep eating meat and killing animals. I myself a vegetarian, although I used to eat eggs and sometimes chicken because of my school friends, they used to force me to eat it with them.
Now-a-days, most people are in an impression that only meat can give you a healthy and muscular body, I'd say its a bullshit.
Its a myth that only meat eaters can have a muscular body, I can guarantee more healthier and muscular body if you maintain a good vegetarian diet.
I am not against meat eaters but I would like everyone to be a vegetarian.
Watch Gary's Speech:
Keep Enjoying, Keep Learning and have fun with what you do! :)